Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sharing Blooms on Sunday

It is a coolish day here so far.... the sun is coming out and there are garden jobs to do ..but they can wait until after lunch and after blogging. For the last week I have been trying to get some nice close up photos using either my Canon SX110 or my old reliable Sony Cybershot. Since starting the blog, I have never ever taken so many photos!! )))) I am still not great at "getting the perfect shot" but here are a few of the best from this week. (Yes, I found the plant tags for all of these))))

The first is Trollius Europaeus against the garden fence. It is a common Trollius but sunny and lovely. That photo is followed by a close up of the Baptisia Australis (Wild Blue Indigo). This is shrub size for us here at ten years of age, and just coming into bloom. Below that is Trollius "Cheddar" which is outstanding, but only two years old and still not a lot of bloom but the close up came out pretty good for a small flower. Finally, a photo of some of the blooms on our Aesculus x carnea (Briotii)...Red Horse Chestnut. It lost it's top during hurricane Juan a few years back, but it recovered nicely and is in huge bloom this year, the best it has ever been.

Wherever you are,....... hope you have a lovely Sunday full of blooms and blessings.

1 comment:

  1. what gorgeous pictures. I'm going out to take a pic of the lovely compost bin Ron made me. Yay!
