Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another Rainy Day

Gardening in the rain usually doesn't bother me, but two days of rain is enough ..."I want out" says the Chief!..out in sunshine being much preferred to muddy paws and a soaked coat and I couldn't agree more.

So, I am inside trying out a recipe for watermelon sorbet with lime, and stewed blueberries with mint from the garden. The last is a great combo, but don't overdo the mint. Just brush a wand of mint through the hot berries at the end of cooking. Waiting on the freezing sorbet...

The mint was started from a water rooted bit that came from the grocery store last summer. I was always afraid of it's rampant disregard for behaving itself, but the large pot does the trick; I bring it into the shed for the winter. Doesn't seem to mind and perks right back up for spring.

Rain we love you, but come back another day...all is wet and all is well.


  1. It seems like everyone is crying the overly wet blues today. Let's hope that it stops for awhile. Your mint probably lives it, it sure looks like it is flourishing.


  2. oh, I don't mind! I got the biggest radish I ever grew today, my lettuce is loving it and the perennials seems happy too. Hens, not so much! they always blame me for the weather.
