Well, clearly, anything that's a "Looker" involves the eyes,.... like when you travel and the sightseeing gets out of hand and you announce "that's it....my Lookers are gone!"
Our it could be some fantastic flower, like the Hibiscus above. Our neighbour K gave hers to us when she couldn't overwinter it. I would call the above beauty a real "Looker!".
"That's a Looker" came into our vocabulary in earnest a number of years back when our boat crazy (now drum crazy chuckle) nephew D came to visit. The equally boat crazy Captain, with his own collection of boats, including those (ahem) which could be termed toys, categorized his collection for D.... some were "available" to play with.... others...they were just "Lookers". ...don't touch!! ))))))

So when this beautiful apron arrived in the post as a thank you gift, I knew straight away it was going to be "a Looker" and used sparingly. Embroidered carrots, asparagus and scallion poke out of the denim pockets on a crisp red and cream background...It is truly one of the loveliest aprons I have ever owned. Thanks C...you are very kind and most welcome!