Just when I felt sure, I was pretty well done with the garden...my mind kept returning to those discounted brown bags of bulbs at the local nursery. Surely at that price, I reasoned, I could find room for just a few more. Where though, where to plant them.....at the top of the drive perhaps!
Tulipa ‘Canadian Liberator’ was named in honor of the Canadians who liberated Holland during the Second World War. Described as an early to mid season red triumph tulip, I thought they could be perfect! 'The spring vision' ...sparkling red tulips, emerging Sum and Substance hosta, stunning under the white blooming bower of Cornus "Constellation". Forever the optimist, that's me))) Instead of bouquets of three, five or seven tulips, I did the big scatter...this, I have never done before. Will it work? Will it look too loosey goosey...too rough? Only spring will tell.
Click on photos to enlarge.
Continuing our day's work in the garden...heavy snow, rabbits, deer and mice are always a problem in winter and early spring. Thankfully, we are again having some lovely sunny weather and so, dragged out the wire reinforcement team.
I really do think this is about it. We cleaned out the pond as well, took out all the dying water hyacinth plants, delighting in finding a dragonfly nymph. How wonderful is that!