Haven't blogged for a few days...had a bit of a cold but am on the mend now. So, Saturday morning we set off for the Hubbards Farm Market needing bread & chicken. Came home with three Delphinium Nudicaule "Laurin", which is red..yes, red...and grows about 15 inches. I am anxious to see how well they do here. We also found a four pack of Red Brussels sprouts, but they need hardening off. Another great find was a deep robust rose double Primrose, name unknown. The seller said she paid a lot of money for ten seeds of mixed double Primula and out of those, only this one germinated. I was most pleased to take it off her hands))).
I also discovered at the Mahone Bay Market on Friday, that Kale is a biennial. Well I feel rather silly not realizing that, and now wonder how many other vegetables would be biennial if they survived our zone 6 winter to set seed. I expect now..that would be all of them? ))))
I love the Hubbard's market! I'll have to go next time - the one in town was JAMMED this week - not that we mind that but sometimes it is hard to see what is there. I got a heather last year (red-head I think it was called) and I'm a bit worried about it -looks kinda dead. I've not had heathers before and perhaps did something WRONG! we'll see. glad you're over your spring cold - they're nasty!