Growing adventures in an organic South Shore Veg and Flower Garden on Canada's East Coast
Friday, December 31, 2010
Of Seeds and New Beginnings
Celebrate the New Year... fill out a seed order! Giant Mussleburg Leeks, Red Parella, King Tut Pea and OSU Blue Tomatoes from Annapolis Seeds...heady words...who needs Champagne!!! Well I guess, maybe one little glass if you insist )))
Spent part of the morning, looking through seed catalogues. It's easy to get carried away..... Do I really want to try Vicar Hulless Oats? Well yes I do!! How about Ziar breadseed Poppy...yup..that too! The Captain has discovered "the bread machine" and, unlike myself, who was never successful with the thing..he's cranking out bread every other day and GREAT bread at that! His latest success was Walnut and Raisin. So perhaps, if the oats and poppy seed are successful, we can use them in bread making.
That's the thing about beginning a new brings fresh opportunity, revitalizes us with new hope and fills us with anticipation. Can I grow it, should I grow it, must I grow it...yes yes yes! Don't ask me in August when the crop is a failure..right now I am convinced the New Year will bring great success and prosperity in the garden and I am holding to that!
Still...the year ends in success as well, and hope has turned to joy. The Narcissus, just today, has bloomed to welcome the New Year.
Wishing you all, a most Prosperous, Healthy and Happy New Year. Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing. Blog On! 2011, we're ready for you.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Holding The Holidays Precious
This is the first year, trying Narcissus in glass. I have attempted growing them in the past, propped with twigs and vine..all artsy. ...but they still looked kinda sad((((. Visited Halifax seed last week and was so impressed by their fantastic bloom display. Oh...could I do that???? Left feeling very inspired.
Found a tall twelve dollar vase at Winners ...added a few polished stones from a summer water feature, nestled the bulbs in the bottom, adding water just to their round ends. We are way too late for a Christmas display....maybe New Years? Goodness..the bulbs are growing steadily.
Regarding the carving...the Captain's first attempt ...white oak.... He says he is not artistic.. We were apart for a long time that year (him being at sea); he thought he would try his hand at carving this gift. Precious to me, the gift and he.
May your holidays be bright...and they fill you with light...and all that is precious hold you tight.
Found a tall twelve dollar vase at Winners ...added a few polished stones from a summer water feature, nestled the bulbs in the bottom, adding water just to their round ends. We are way too late for a Christmas display....maybe New Years? Goodness..the bulbs are growing steadily.
Regarding the carving...the Captain's first attempt ...white oak.... He says he is not artistic.. We were apart for a long time that year (him being at sea); he thought he would try his hand at carving this gift. Precious to me, the gift and he.
May your holidays be bright...and they fill you with light...and all that is precious hold you tight.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mid December Harvest
Surely we are getting close to the day when the ground fully freezes and winter's snowy silence arrives. Twelve degrees yesterday, and it smelled like spring....instead of planting out, we harvested leeks. As it's the first year growing them, we were pleased they took to our soil. A huge thanks to N. for giving us the transplants; we're hooked and will try to grow them again next year. They really do look architecturally and bluey gorgeous in the garden and seem very resilient. Plus, they freeze beautifully and make a most amazing leek and potato soup.
The various greens were taken out of the veg garden a few weeks back, transplanted into pots and put under lights. I had no hand in this so cheers to the Captain as they are growing quite nicely and we might even have a decent salad shortly.
A few days ago though, I was sure that was it...winter was here. The garden still holds Brussels sprouts... I am anxious to try these lightly chopped, sauteed with some olive oil, bacon, onion and a sprinkling of caraway perhaps.
We grew a purple variety as well so it will be interesting to see if they hold some color when cooked. Growing Brussels sprouts in this garden was also a first. The mice like them a lot but to be fair, I should have staked year))).
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Fake vs. Real tree
Yes, every time we cut down a tree for Christmas, the baby trees are lost. Good point! Sad point really...and possible justification can only be found when we think of Christmas trees as a crop.
Nova Scotia is a North American top grower of Christmas trees. They provide income for farm families and huge pleasure to all those lucky enough to have the opportunity to experience the wonder of tromping through a woodlot, chopping down your own tree, lashing it to the top of the jeep (in our case) and taking it home to decorate.
Christmas Trees will be consumed by many folks who celebrate this time of year....but, is it valid to "chop 'er down". I find that a hard question to answer, not withstanding the cultural, religious, economic and nature's critter food value and okay...yes....there is the aesthetic argument.
This is the thing...the argument this year. I just didn't want to get up on the step ladder another year, trying to arrange lights and fuss with decorations because I'm not feeling as fit as I used to be. The joints are hurting; knees and especially one shoulder make a complaint. So I argued against a fresh cut tree this year and sadly won.
So it's done. We got the artificial...and after the smell of all the toxins left the house, it isn't too bad. WE decorated it together. I wasn't as tired and cranky as I sometimes get and it did come decorated with LED lights..good for the planet, right! In fact, if you didn't know it was fake, you'd think where did they get that big beautiful tree? No watering.... you can bend the branches almost perfectly to support the decorations, and there won't be a big cleanup afterward. Captain says laughingly, he will miss the big ball of brown dead tree in the back garden all winter after Christmas. Me, not so much.
However I feel the guilt of compromise and supporting plastic.
They make new hips and knees out of plastic though, don't they?
Nova Scotia is a North American top grower of Christmas trees. They provide income for farm families and huge pleasure to all those lucky enough to have the opportunity to experience the wonder of tromping through a woodlot, chopping down your own tree, lashing it to the top of the jeep (in our case) and taking it home to decorate.
Christmas Trees will be consumed by many folks who celebrate this time of year....but, is it valid to "chop 'er down". I find that a hard question to answer, not withstanding the cultural, religious, economic and nature's critter food value and okay...yes....there is the aesthetic argument.
This is the thing...the argument this year. I just didn't want to get up on the step ladder another year, trying to arrange lights and fuss with decorations because I'm not feeling as fit as I used to be. The joints are hurting; knees and especially one shoulder make a complaint. So I argued against a fresh cut tree this year and sadly won.
So it's done. We got the artificial...and after the smell of all the toxins left the house, it isn't too bad. WE decorated it together. I wasn't as tired and cranky as I sometimes get and it did come decorated with LED lights..good for the planet, right! In fact, if you didn't know it was fake, you'd think where did they get that big beautiful tree? No watering.... you can bend the branches almost perfectly to support the decorations, and there won't be a big cleanup afterward. Captain says laughingly, he will miss the big ball of brown dead tree in the back garden all winter after Christmas. Me, not so much.
However I feel the guilt of compromise and supporting plastic.
They make new hips and knees out of plastic though, don't they?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Holiday Joy
Joy...this time of year delivers)). Our summer is gone, beautiful winter is upon us... spring, just over the horizon!
The back door containers are filled with green trimmings from the garden. Do you do that? How the pots shine with red dogwood branches, the soil covered in soft moss. You remember the robin nest from early summer..well there it is tucked into the display. This should look good all through the winter so if you have a few mild days left, go outside, and get trimming! Your spirit will soar. Evening brings a soft glow that welcomes.
Days are busy making creative gifts, decorating and cooking. "My Indian Kitchen" was a gift received about ten years ago, and this year, I tried to replicate it....quite delighted with the results. "Introducing Indian Spices and Aromatic Seeds"...oh you can't imagine how wonderful the house smells tonight!
The container is from Lee Valley, a famous Canadian supplier of quality but good value goods. The applied cover to the spice box, is plain ole dollar store, a snipped down laptop vinyl peel and stick decoration. Same goes for the sparkly embellishments.
So how's holiday gift shopping or making going for you? If it's pressure, it's no darn fun. If it is a joy, then ...on the right path. If you don't have to do it...whewww...then that's good too!!
At our house, we have a tree (not decorated yet). We have some gifts to mail, food to plan and prepare. Cakes are made and in the post. So, this is all to say, it's been a busy few days and so that is why I have not contributed to blog. Enjoy your December as we leave 2010...step lightly but happily into 2011. A new garden year awaits.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Just a Few More Bulbs
Just when I felt sure, I was pretty well done with the mind kept returning to those discounted brown bags of bulbs at the local nursery. Surely at that price, I reasoned, I could find room for just a few more. Where though, where to plant the top of the drive perhaps!
Tulipa ‘Canadian Liberator’ was named in honor of the Canadians who liberated Holland during the Second World War. Described as an early to mid season red triumph tulip, I thought they could be perfect! 'The spring vision' ...sparkling red tulips, emerging Sum and Substance hosta, stunning under the white blooming bower of Cornus "Constellation". Forever the optimist, that's me))) Instead of bouquets of three, five or seven tulips, I did the big scatter...this, I have never done before. Will it work? Will it look too loosey goosey...too rough? Only spring will tell.
Click on photos to enlarge.
Continuing our day's work in the garden...heavy snow, rabbits, deer and mice are always a problem in winter and early spring. Thankfully, we are again having some lovely sunny weather and so, dragged out the wire reinforcement team.
I really do think this is about it. We cleaned out the pond as well, took out all the dying water hyacinth plants, delighting in finding a dragonfly nymph. How wonderful is that!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Still Time Left to Plant Tulip Bulbs?...hope so)))
Bright flowers one day; a hint of Ole' Man Winter the next. sure was chilly today, however, no wind to speak of, so that was a blessing. Had a great walk with Chief stopping to photograph the ice in the bay. There was a bit of skim ice as well, which didn't stop the ducks and loons from fishing. It was, in fact, a great birding day. Just when I walked to the back feeder (inadvertently frightening some goldfinch), a small hawk took advantage of their fear, flew down like a rocket...but missed it's prey. Chief and I, also inadvertently, disturbed a Great Blue Heron fishing by the drawn up wharf in the photo...flew off too fast for fumbling cold hands to get a photo. It's all very well to mention the birding experiences but when you don't have a photo to show...kinda sad)))). So you're stuck with the wharf at least.
Thoughts of planting spring greens in the summerhouse (we'll see))) and visions of sugar plums are dancing in my head. Now must get those last few dozen bulbs put in the ground. Yes, I weakened and bought more))))... on sale mind you, hard to resist. I know you understand........
Friday, November 19, 2010
Hanging In There!
Stricken with a miserable cold, it is hard to find joy in the garden...but the Chief still needs his walks and fresh air is a tonic for a drug addled brain, don't you know! Tomorrow is going to be a blustery snow flaky kind of day but as a gift, today held sunshine. Some flowers are still hanging in there....a six pack of tall white snapdragons have shown their stuff since the spring and are still blooming!
Tiny pansies are jumping up everywhere; they have been here since we bought the property eleven years ago, a welcome sight in early spring and late autumn.
A Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' has also been putting on a show all summer long and still going strong. The tag says blooms May to June, and perhaps it did regroup for a month or so but it doesn't show any sign yet of closing shop. The purple black stems are quite striking....the blooms fragrant.
Thankfully, the garden did end up bringing me joy. It seems I was so caught up with the autumn harvest and taking care of food business, I didn't pay a lot of attention to the bloom business. Now I am missing them, just when they are off to bed for the winter.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Harvesting Garlic
I've been harvesting garlic for the winter and well.... there is no disguising the pungent aroma inside the house. Yes, I know, most gardeners are planting their garlic cloves right now, anticipating garlic bulbs next year..and so am I! But unlike a lot of gardeners, I do not cut the garlic scapes from my plants in spring. I use them when they form their soft little bulblets, and sprinkle those on my garden salads. Eventually they grow past that stage and get I leave them ..well forget about them really. So what happens...they fall around mother garlic..take root and make their own little bulbs.
So..there can be a few hundred of these, and they are just perfect for harvesting now. Covered in their skin, all dark and dirty, you dig the bulblet out of the damp ground, slide your fingers over this and underneath, you are left with the glowing white baby bulbs. I freeze these in a baggie to use over the winter. They pack a punch that cured cloves sometimes do not. You could almost call these "garlic sprouts".
The crowded garlic was thinned out, and some bulbs were transferred to the new raised bed. Maybe next year, that will help with the earwig problem we experienced in spring.
This is how I grow my garlic. It might not be like others, but it suits me. I might not always get large bulbs but I am satisfied with those I do harvest. This is the first time in ten years I have really thinned them out, and I must admit, perhaps every three years might be a better idea))).
So..there can be a few hundred of these, and they are just perfect for harvesting now. Covered in their skin, all dark and dirty, you dig the bulblet out of the damp ground, slide your fingers over this and underneath, you are left with the glowing white baby bulbs. I freeze these in a baggie to use over the winter. They pack a punch that cured cloves sometimes do not. You could almost call these "garlic sprouts".
The crowded garlic was thinned out, and some bulbs were transferred to the new raised bed. Maybe next year, that will help with the earwig problem we experienced in spring.
This is how I grow my garlic. It might not be like others, but it suits me. I might not always get large bulbs but I am satisfied with those I do harvest. This is the first time in ten years I have really thinned them out, and I must admit, perhaps every three years might be a better idea))).
Thursday, November 11, 2010
My Dear Sister
JWC's letters and post cards from "The Great War", written to his sister .....soft and worn, etched in pencil... are precious to us. Our soldier, born in England, immigrated to Canada, then returned to Britain, answering the Nation's Call to Duty.
My dear sister:
I have just received your letter so I am answering it right away. Well, of course you have heard all about us at Ypres. I tell you it is a hot place. I have seen some terrible sights since I have been here and have had some narrow escapes.
My dear sister:
Trust this letter finds you and baby quite well. Of course you heard about our boys taking Vimy Ridge. It was a splendid victory. I am sleeping in a deep dugout at the foot of Vimy Ridge. Since the attack, the weather has been cruel snow, hail and rain almost continually and it is still raining.
The Call to Duty is surely a Nation's heavy burden. However, sometimes the burden can be lifted, as evidenced by Britain's outstanding National Memorial Arboretum in Alrewas, Staffordshire. Over 150 acres are planted in trees and gardens; a "living tribute to war time generations of the 20th Century".
"A Living Tribute"..I liked that very much. Located in the heart of England, you can copy the link below to read it's history, view the monuments and plantings or follow the map to visit. Attendance is free I might add.
The above photo, courtesy of friends R and D, show young trees, each having an identifying memorial plaque; the magnificent Armed Forces Memorial is in the background. There are in excess over 50,000 trees which have grown rapidly since our first visit in 2005, many having relevance to the Memorials around them. Additionally and comfortingly, the landscape is home to natural flora and fauna found in meadow, woodland and emerging marsh.
A "Call to Duty", softly echoes in the plantings and memorials at the National Arboretum; today most especially, thoughts of remembrance fill hearts acknowledging those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
"More Rain"...the Mourning Doves Complain in Disgust
"Heh guys...don't look so down... and just ignore those ravens!! "
Gosh, they looked so forlorn; you can't see the sheets of rain in the photo but trust me, it was a horrible wet day, not fit for birds let alone bugs. However, it was (at least for me) unusual to see one of the rotting crow pecked apples covered in insects on such a miserable day. What are these??? They are on all the windfalls.
It's hard to leave the house when it's dark in the middle of the day. I would rather be inside...but the Chief needs his walk and heh..grab the camera Bren!!
A little brook not far from us, is thundering...the noise quite deafening..but oh how beautiful it looks coursing over the rocks and flowing into the sea beside the little cottage perched perilously close to the outlet.
The water table is really high in the garden...well, there is simply nowhere for the rain to go anymore. I keep hoping the Oak Island Treasure will bob to the surface)))).
Oh well...just light rain all day tomorrow and cloudy with showers the next day and rain on Wednesday, Showers on Thursday and SUNSHINE on Friday. (Captain weatherman says subject to change without notice) but...Gosh I sure am looking forward to Friday..
Gosh, they looked so forlorn; you can't see the sheets of rain in the photo but trust me, it was a horrible wet day, not fit for birds let alone bugs. However, it was (at least for me) unusual to see one of the rotting crow pecked apples covered in insects on such a miserable day. What are these??? They are on all the windfalls.
It's hard to leave the house when it's dark in the middle of the day. I would rather be inside...but the Chief needs his walk and heh..grab the camera Bren!!
A little brook not far from us, is thundering...the noise quite deafening..but oh how beautiful it looks coursing over the rocks and flowing into the sea beside the little cottage perched perilously close to the outlet.
The water table is really high in the garden...well, there is simply nowhere for the rain to go anymore. I keep hoping the Oak Island Treasure will bob to the surface)))).
Oh well...just light rain all day tomorrow and cloudy with showers the next day and rain on Wednesday, Showers on Thursday and SUNSHINE on Friday. (Captain weatherman says subject to change without notice) but...Gosh I sure am looking forward to Friday..
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Cleaning UP and Last of the Harvest
The last pages are turning; the final chapters are being read. In March we were so delighted to realize we could eat new sprouting Kale ..... here we are in November, picking what I feel must be close to the last of the fresh greens.
Two days ago, the nasturtiums were evicted from their raised bed abode and composted. I tell you, it was hard to take them out; as bad as they looked, they were still alive with blooms in deep pockets near the soil. Do all gardeners feel this way?
The raised bed ledge, was decorated with nature's mono prints...revealing the true essence of nasturtium leaf structure. Oh how I miss them.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Cold Frame on Raised Bed

The burning question was..what angle to build the cold frame. This set us on a journey of discovery... we do not get enough sun in our garden during the winter to have a four season garden so is a late winter/early spring cold frame of any use to us? I think now..yes.
Having found at discount, a piece of Lexan left over from a local greenhouse job, the Capt. built the cold frame. A few weeks back, we set it on the raised bed, sowed seed and waited....

The radishes are growing, and greens have spot germinated...about sixty percent...but not bad.
Here is what Eliot Coleman had to say on the angle of the cold frame for midwinter input:
"Some experimenters have built frames with the lights at a 45° angle facing south to maximize midwinter sun input. Such frames don’t work as well as the traditional low-angle models for two reasons. First, you don’t need maximum heat in midwinter for hardy crops. All they require is the protection of the frame. Second, there seems to be some benefit to having the glass roof near the plants as if it were a covering of snow. The environment inside the traditional low-angle frames better meets the needs of hardy crops."
So again, it's a learning curve. We are thrilled to actually have plants germinating and growing at this time of year.
I do want to leave you with an absolute joy I saw today visiting a garden friend, also with the same first name as myself. This below is the second year for her chard. She says, she harvested last year right up until she couldn't get through the snow any more and it survived the winter. For Nova Scotia..this is pretty darn awesome.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Thoughts on Books

Reading hasn't always been a pleasure. In fact, I grew up in a home that had few books... mostly, because owning a book was a luxury. We did have a few How To, religious, children and comic books later on, but a proper book case with books on a shelf, just didn't exist.
I was thinking that today as I was sorting what to send out west to my mother in law. She is in her eighties and a voracious reader. When I do send her books, I know they will be read, enjoyed or not...but most especially, gratefully received. I wonder how she will get along with Des Kennedy's "The Way of a Gardener"; he lives on an island not far from her. That's the other thing, you get to talk about a book you have both shared and that is a comfortable delight akin to gossiping.
So the books piled up today..those half read, those just started, some almost finished and those ready for a new home. The thing about showing your book pile is, you sort of share your soul. Or, at least your soul right now. Mine seems to be a gardening soul, with a hint of fiction history.
There is no way to remember the name of the person who plied me with paperback books in High School, and no way to thank him these many years later. But, I distinctly remember the book that made me realize there was a whole world out there I didn't know about...and that I could so easily be taken away from the insecurities of becoming a young woman by reading.
One book...just one book can change a life. This I know.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Autumn Gold

The garden is glowing; it just can't stop showing off!
It's this time of year, we find out if the labels were true: "Great Autumn Color". Not only do we want great autumn color, but being selfish as I am, I would like it to last a little while and hope we don't have torrential rains or lashing winds ripping the leaves off, and ruining the anticipated glory.
The Maples, Viburnums, and even the Cotoneaster with it's baby leaves turning gold, are a welcome sight walking the path to the back yard. The Cherokee Dogwood is under planted with (hopefully, dwarf) Spirea. Diablo Ninebark adds color depth all year, but this time of year, I appreciate it even more. Ahem...if you are thinking I plant too intensely you are right)))). Some things will eventually have to be moved..

Framing the vegetable garden below, on the left, is a poor specimen of Paperbark Maple (Acer griseum) and on the right is a downright awesome, Amur Maple, grandly golden.

Nova Scotia, and especially Cape Breton, is well known for it's autumn color and folks travel here from all over, for the BIG SHEW! However, if you plan it right, from the beginning, and purchase or transplant 'autumn color' trees and shrubs into your garden, it's just as much pleasure to sit home and enjoy the 'Show', don't ya think?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Poor Lilacs

My thoughts have been preoccupied and troubled, the past few days. You see, the lilac's have been severely attacked, ..shredded like cat scratching posts, as you can see from the photos, especially when you zoom in. The whole lilac bed is like this, some trunks worse than others. Quite near the lilacs, the red horse chestnut (Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’) has been attacked as well, even though it is surrounded by wire to keep rabbits away. The damage is much to high up for rabbits unless of course, they fly or climb.

This brings me to something I did not mention on blog when it happened a few weeks back...I saw a bobcat cross the road, very near where we live. We didn't discover our garden damage until a walk about with D and D on Sunday. On Monday, we phoned the Dept. of Natural Resources to find out what we could do to deter the was then that I found out another driver, had reported the same sighting although he believed it to be a cougar.
We have..or rather, had... a bird feeder nestled protectively, nearby and I suspect, the mice were attracted to the lost seed among the grass below and ..the cat was attracted to the mice. Of course, without photos, I can't confirm that it was the bobcat that shredded the lilacs, and damaged the Chestnut, but I strongly believe it was and it is consistent with their behavior according to Department of Natural Resources.
Having one of Nova Scotia's wild animals in the vicinity, in our woodland area, arouses more wonder than fear. I wouldn't want to lose my Beauty of Moscow and other lilacs though, so fabric smelling of bleach, as recommended by Natural Resources, will hopefully arrest any further scent marking.
Otherwise, our weather has been pleasingly warm and the air is full of the richest aroma of sea, salt, autumn leaves and moist earth. A truly hard frost, that blackens all, has not arrived yet but it is time to put away all the clay pots, make sure each and every bulb is tucked in and above all..keep up inspection!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A Rosy Outlook

One can't help but have a rosy outlook, finding fat, thick rose hips along many of the beaches in Nova Scotia, this time of year, often, free for the picking. They thrive in the beach sand, and withstand the salt air so well; they are a major contribution to "seaside landscaping" in our area.
Now that we've just had a hard frost, it's a perfect time to pick these vitamin C packed red pods. Good thing also (gosh do I sound like Martha..this is a good thing)))), quince are ready now, and because they are loaded with pectin, you don't have to use the store bought stuff to make jelly ...just add two or three quince to your recipe.
Inspired by Allotment 2 Kitchen chef, Mango Cheeks (see sidebar and her blog) and her recipe for Rose Hip Jelly, the Chief and I again visited D and S's beautiful seaside property and picked hips. Sheltered from the wind, warmed by bright sunlight with just a few wasps keeping us company, (yes, Chief got stung...did you have to ask?) we picked enough for two lots of jelly.
My "inspired" Mango Cheeks version used about half rose hips and half cranberries to make the 500 g... "Good ole" Nova Scotian cranberries I might add, which can be picked in boggy areas right now, so all and all, it's kind of a "free" jelly and I like free.
Now, I've never had much luck making jelly, but this worked and I think adding two quince helped,.. quince kindly gifted by C and J..other fine neighbours.
It's a rosy outlook and a comfort when you do have good neighbours, and they want to share, and you can share with them. Thanks Mango Cheeks for your inspiration..made me brave to try rose hips))
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Surprise Frost in the Garden

We don't have a lot of annuals to be truthful, and really, the crops remaining at this point ..the brassicas for instance, they just get better with a frost..sweeter, and can remain in the ground for harvesting later. The leeks are standing like soldiers, and the Brussels sprouts, (mangled as they are by bugly critters) looked magical this morning in their sparkling coat.

There's cleaning up to do now, and bulbs to plant. The cold frame is almost ready so that's exciting and what a learning curve...more on that later. There is a hoop frame over a cool weather greens variety making for some great salads and there's still the Chard... so, we aren't going hungry))))).
Monday, October 18, 2010
Cold Frame covered Raised Bed

The burning question was..what angle to build the cold frame. This set us on a journey of discovery... we do not get enough sun in our garden during the winter to have a four season garden so is a late winter/early spring cold frame of any use to us? I think now..yes.
Having found at discount, a piece of Lexan left over from a local greenhouse job, the Capt. built the cold frame. A few weeks back, we set it on the raised bed, sowed seed and waited....

The radishes are growing, and greens have spot germinated...about sixty percent...but not bad.
Here is what Eliot Coleman had to say on the angle of the cold frame for midwinter input:
"Some experimenters have built frames with the lights at a 45° angle facing south to maximize midwinter sun input. Such frames don’t work as well as the traditional low-angle models for two reasons. First, you don’t need maximum heat in midwinter for hardy crops. All they require is the protection of the frame. Second, there seems to be some benefit to having the glass roof near the plants as if it were a covering of snow. The environment inside the traditional low-angle frames better meets the needs of hardy crops."
So again, it's a learning curve. We are thrilled to actually have plants germinating and growing at this time of year.
I do want to leave you with an absolute joy I saw today visiting a garden friend, also with the same first name as myself. This below is the second year for her chard. She says, she harvested last year right up until she couldn't get through the snow any more and it survived the winter. For Nova Scotia..this is pretty darn awesome. Good Health B.

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